February 7.
Homework for the Intermediate level is to create new sentences with the verbs from the dialogue.
And here we go…
Таня може да пипне Камен. Камен може да пипне Таня. Но Таня не може да пипне кебапчетата на Веселин…
Author: daniela.nyberg@yahoo.com
Early morning. The teacher hears voice in the bed. Ранно утро. Чувам глас в леглото: „тази-онази…нищо-нещо…“ The teacher starts giggling… Напушва ме смях… изпускам пàрата. „Гласът“ – the husband-student: “You should have told me I will become like this… Your students should have an injection…
Hello! Здравейте!
Let me tell you from the very beginning… This is not going to be the easiest and the fastest project that you have ever completed. But it is doable, and my goal is to make it also enjoyable for quite a selfish reason. I am Bulgarian. My husband is American. Аз съм българка. Мъжът ми е американец. We both enjoy learning different languages. My husband is one of my students, my favorite. Because of his creative approach toward Bulgarian language I hear words that keep me giggling for hours… Example: жаботник (zhabotnik), жаботница и жаботничка… There is no Bulgarian in the world who will ever combine жаба (a frog) with the suffix – ник, ик (m), or – ница, – ничка… which is a typical suffix for “работник” (a worker) and “работничка” (a female worker), for example. But he (той) is claiming that this is how the language evolves…
Anyway… Since we are talking about работа… this is exactly what is ahead. No need to restate the obvious that every foreign language we learn is a treasure. If you are here you already know it. It is my pleasure to be your coach.
Let our grammar journey begin…